Get online writing assistance at the most reasonable price for you. Decide how much you can pay for your task and choose a suitable writer among those who apply for your order. When applying, writers consider the following things:
Type of
writing service
Theme, field,
of work
of work
Examples of works:
- Environmental Studies
- 14 pages / 3 850 words
- Other formatting
Get Quality Help without Paying Up Front!
Our service offers you a unique opportunity to select the most suitable price for your task. How does it work? We apply a bidding system for writers, so they can apply for your order with their own price but only you make the final decision. You submit your order for free and pay only after you have made your choice on the writer from the list of those who have applied for your order. Before you pay, you have a chance to chat with a writer to make sure he is well-qualified in your field. If so, you can discuss all the questions on your order, if any.
The price for your assignment can depend on several factors:
- Complexity of your work
- Type of content
- SOW (scope of work) and deadline
The price depends a lot on the type of content you’re looking for, available sources on the topic, field of expertise, complexity level, etc. The closer the deadline is, the higher the price will be. Please submit your order in advance if you’d like to get the best deal. Order now to get expert help!
Frequently asked questions
Is your service secure and confidential?
We guarantee 100% confidentiality and security. We ensure that all of your personal information is kept private. Make sure that you don't share such information by yourself while communicating with the writer in the chat. We cannot control the live chat, so we advice you to keep your conversations within the working limits. According to our Confidentiality Policy, your email address, phone number, name, and location won't be disclosed to any third parties.
Is it free to make an order?
You can place an order without any advance payments. In addition, you can communicate with writers who applied for your order and even ask them to prepare a short introduction in order to choose the best one. And once you have chosen the writer you would like to work with, you need to deposit money to your balance.
How to pay for the order?
After you've created an order, simply click on one of the "Pay" options. You can pay using your debit/credit card.
Do you provide Money-Back Option?
Yes, we do. Please check our Terms of Use to learn more about the money-back guarantee policy.